British Executions

John Langley

Age: unknown

Sex: male

Crime: highway robbery

Date Of Execution: 2 Aug 1785

Crime Location:

Execution Place: Surrey

Method: hanging

Executioner: unknown


Ann Smith, aged 27, Christian Ireland, aged 30, Mary Smith, aged 29, William Spratley, aged 22, John Langley (otherwise Peter Dalby) , aged 28, William Chandler, aged 16, and Elizabeth Jackson, aged 54, found guilty on an indictment for the highway robbery of Joseph Kennedy in the parish of St Mary, Newington on 2nd June 1785: robbing him of a snuff box (valued at 1d), 60 shirt pins (valued at 8/6), 288 China hat pins (valued at 2/-), 8 silver shillings and 24 copper half pennies.